Race setup
Published on February 22, 2006 By Yellow Sign In Bug Reports
Okay, I'm still a bit confused (even after reading the manual and watching the tutorials) about this particular point, so any clarification from Stardock would be great!

What I don't really understand is how the race abilities vs. costum abilities system works:

- When I select a race during game setup, it has some pre-assigned abilities and some leftover points to assign. But when assign those leftover points, some of my other abilities vanish. But not all.
Is this the way it should be? If yes, why are the 'leftover' points even shown when using them just srews up the race?
If so, is there a difference between 'hard-coded' racial abilities that don't vanish when you customize the race and those race-speficic abilities which are just preset via the ability selection tab?

- After I changed some abilities from the humans (and thus made the diplomacy bonus vanish) I selected another race, then went back to the humans and their bonus was still gone. Shouldn't it reset a race to default when you select a new one? Would be what I would exspect - not sure if this is a bug or just me not understanding how this is supposed to work.
- Said bonus didn't reappear even after quiting and restarting game

Well... thanks in advance for helping, and keep up the great work - played until 3.30 AM yesterday inspite of having to work today.

on Feb 22, 2006
From what it looks like chosen abilities stay in some kind of cache. Thing is they are staying even after you restart the game and picked a new race...
on Feb 22, 2006
Yea, this happened to me too. Now I don't know how to get the race back to it's default setting. Why does spending the leftover points take away the race's standard stats? The standard racial stats should be locked IMO.
on Feb 22, 2006
played until 3.30 AM yesterday inspite of having to work today.

Me too. The message box "a few more turns won't kill you" made me stay muchlonger than I wanted...

As for your question, I've not noticed this, but I usually reset the abilities before making my own choice, specially since when you start a new game, the picks from your previous game seem to stay.

Your abilities depend also on your race and your political party
on Feb 22, 2006
Your abilities depend also on your race and you political party

Yep, the political party thingie is obvious... but the rest still confuses me, no clear indication what is race-dependend (as in hard-coded) and what changeable etc. Same for resetting - some stuff stays (Miniaturization)... building my race is a bit try and error right now.

on Feb 22, 2006
when you spend those points, you are "customising" default race, if you want to play it default just do nothing with it and play! if you spend some of those points, you lose some of their default abilities to compensate because they are not bonus points, they are customise-points
on Feb 22, 2006
Yeah, but how can I see in advance what I will loose and what I will keep when I start costumization?
on Feb 22, 2006
I watched the tutorials on customizing a race and there is a reset to default type button in the upper right part of the screen which will wipe out any changes you have made (at least according to the tutorial).
on Feb 22, 2006
The only way to reset the races now is to go into custom race, press load and delete the corresponding save file. For example terran is CurrentCustomRace0, Yor is CurrentCustomRace5 etc.
Hopefully this will be fixed soon so that 'Clear' resets the race too.

Loyalty +100 and loyalty +40 that Yor and Thalan has seldom works. Most of the time they disapear when the game starts. I haven't recognised any pattern to when they are disapearing. Also, if any changes are made to Yor and Thalan, even if it's only the Political Party, loyalty disapear in the Race Customisation Screen.

A much needed improvement is to have 0 customisation point as default and then get a certain number depending on race if you press reset. Now it's too confusing. It took me a long time to realise that I couldn't change anything in the default Yor race.